Tacoma School District Information Guide
The Tacoma School District caters the educational needs of around 31700 students coming from 60 different schools
. Many students (around 52% on average) are eligible for reduce or free lunch benefits. 6.5% of the students in the district are classified as English language learners or ELL. The Tacoma School District produces dropouts worth 11.5% from its total student population, and about 56% of these students graduate on time. The Tacoma School District began some of its school improvement activities years ago. But it has now identified various issues in order to redefine restructuring methods via the DIA program in order for its efforts to become more systematized over being site specific. The TSD plans on initiating several intervention strategies for the next several years to help them in leading to the school’s improvement. The district does not only support school level change since the district personnel also attempts to reinvent the district’s function using data, instruction, aligning curriculum and assessments. In this manner, they will be able to target interventions and make decisions that will create human, fiscal and political capital.
Focus groups are formed and interviews are being conducted interviews in order to create reference materials for the purpose of gathering necessary data that can help it establish standardized levels regarding its 9 Characteristics of High Performing Schools. All these properties are evident. It focuses its efforts on clear and direct results with high levels of collaboration and communication as the least evident property. |