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Missouri State Blue Springs School District

Blue Springs School District is located in Blue Springs, Missouri. It covers 58 square miles. The students are from Blue Springs, Independence, Grain Valley and Lee’s Summit, Lake Tapawingo, Missouri. The population is 13,012 with a 45 percent increase of population annually. This district is one of the fastest growing school districts in the state of Missouri. It has a rapidly growing student population every year.

The mission of this school district is “to create an educational community in which each individual acquires knowledge, develops skills and functions as a literate citizen in order to achieve personal goals and aspirations”. Mission is adopted by the “Blue Springs R-IV board of Education” (Adopted in October 2006) . It has a total of 21 schools, particularly 13 elementary schools as well as 4 middle schools and high schools.

In terms of academic excellence and management of the school, the department of elementary and Secondary Education stated that this school district has achieved a perfect score on the “Annual Performance Report”. The district has consistently achieved this for seven years now. The score is determined by the students within the district’s achievements and other factors that involve performance in students and staff. This school district has received numerous awards and merits of recognition.


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